Team Photo

Hayk Grigoryan

Head of the Operational Intelligence Department of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee

First-class Counsellor of Justice


Born on March 15,1976 in Yerevan

1994-1995 - Served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.

In 2001 graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Police Academy of the Republic of Armenia, having received the qualification of a lawyer-jurist.

In 2019 graduated from the Master's program of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit of the Scientific and Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.


Deputy Platoon Commanderof the 1st Battalion of the Regiment of the defense of important objects of the State Protection Department of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Operational Officer, Senior Operational Officer of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Shahumyan Division of the Yerevan City Department of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Senior Operational Officer of PIC of the Department of Combating Theft of State and Personal Property of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Yerevan City Department of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs


Head of the Department of Combating Crimes against the Person of the Criminal-Investigation Division of the Yerevan City Department of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Head of the Operative Information Analysis Division of the General Department of Criminal Investigation of the RA Police


Head of the Operational Intelligence Information Department of the General Department of Criminal Investigation of the RA Police․


Head of the Department of Operational Intelligence Information and Fight against Computer Crimes of the General Department of Criminal Police of the RA Police․

Since Arpril 04, 2022

Head of the Operational Intelligence Department of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee

Was awarded numerous departmental medals and badges.

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, March03, 2020, was awarded the Medal for “Excellent Maintenance of Public Order”.

Language skills: Armenian, Russian and English.

Married with four children.

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