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Edik Hakobyan

Deputy Chairman of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee

First-class Counsellor of Justice


Born on January 14, 1976 in Yerevan.

He received higher education in the Faculty of Law at High School of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia (now Academy of the RA Police) and received a qualification of Lawyer-jurist.

He started his professional activity in 1992 in the RA Police.


Investigator and then senior investigator at Ararat Investigation Subdivision of Ararat Marz (Regional) Investigation Division of General Investigation Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia.   


PIC senior Investigator of the Central Investigation Division of the 4-th Investigation (Yerevan city Department) Department of the General Investigation Department of the RA Police.


Senior Investigator and then PIC senior investigator at 2-nd (Investigation of Particularly Important Cases) Department of GID of the RA Police.


PIC senior Investigator at the Investigation Group of Particularly Important Cases of GID of the RA Police.


Deputy Head of Investigation Division of Official Crimes and Crimes Against Economic Activity of 2-nd (Investigation of Particularly Important Cases) Department of the GID of the RA Police.  


PIC Investigator and then PIC senior Investigator of the RA Special Investigation Service.


Deputy Head of Investigation Department of Corruption, Organized and Official Crimes of the RA Special Investigation Service.


Head of the Investigation Department of Tortures and Crimes against Person.


Acting Head of the Internal Security Department of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee.


Acting Deputy Chairman of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee.


Since october 19, 2022 Deputy Chairman of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee.

By the order of Head of the RA Special Investigation Service, 28 November, 2014 was awarded extraordinary rank of Colonel of Justice.

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, May 18, 2015, he was awarded “Mkhitar Gosh” medal.

By the decision of November 26, 2020 of the RA Prime Minister he was awarded the RA Prime Minister's Commemorative Medal.

He was also awarded medals, badges and certificates of the RA Special Investigation Service, RA Prosecutor’s General Office, RA Police, RA Ministry of Defence.

Married with three children.

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